Where Do We Place Our Trust?
As I read this today during my devotional time, I highlighted it and spent a few minutes thinking about this question.
Where do we place our trust?
And that in this passage, there is (and should be!) a contrast or difference wherein our trust is placed (as followers of Jesus) and where we see others place their trust.
Eugene Peterson, in the Message, renders it as such:
And I wondered what the modern-day equivalent would be. Perhaps it would be something like, "We see people preparing their resumes, dusting off their accolades and trusting in themselves - but we are trusting in the God who is both seen and unseen." I'm not a Bible scholar, but I think the heart of this message is that the reader (i.e. me, and you) should be challenged to ask ourselves this question vis-a-vis how we see those without our beliefs and faith, choosing to live their lives.
And I don't think this passage is a slam or diss against non-believers (or not-yet believers), but I think it is a clarion call to remind us (i.e. me) that I'm supposed to be different.
So, I think that I close my Bible and think, after reading this, that in order to say these words honestly (or sing this psalm, without any skill or pitch!), I need to evaluate (with the Holy Spirit) where my trust is placed.
For me, the struggle is placing it on myself. And sometimes, on others.
Yet, there is a beautiful (and at times, difficult) way in which we are called to live. Giving up control and trusting in God. For me, it's still a daily thing.
I'm constantly being reformed, rennovated and renewed.